Help iB

We need your support. iBiographer is a self-funded website and receives no state or other funding. All work is voluntary and no salaries are paid. Help us to keep providing this free valuable service for all to use. This website requires hosting, storage, security, and constant maintenance. All this comes at a price.

Your donation will enable us to keep providing a free secure, safe place for ordinary people of all incomes to have a place to write their life stories.

If you are using and like what this website provides any amount you can donate will be greatly appreciated via Paypal.

Join the Team

We are always in need of volunteers with any time to give or talent they have, especially in marketing, branding, SEO, social media, and blog writing. If you would like to volunteer your services and help, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at

And of course, we are always happy to hear your suggestions and ideas, or issues for improvement. Please contact us at

Thank you for all your help and support